recent Umind webinars

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Spirit Moon '24 Reflections & Opportunities: Indigenous Knowledge to consider as we embrace a new year ; Jan 15, 2024; Janine Desmoulin

From all angles: The importance of a well-rounded story - Story Shifters; Oct 3, 2023; Dr. Barbara Ward

From all angles: The importance of a well-rounded story - Moving Toward Identity Affirming Practices Part 2; Sep 26, 2023; Tracey Grose & Dr. Barbara Ward

From all angles: The importance of a well-rounded story Webinar Series - Moving Toward Identity Affirming Practices Part I; Sep 19, 2023; Tracey Grose & Dr. Barbara Ward

On Island Time: 3 Unique Virtual Resources to Support Youth With Their Mental Health; Apr 26, 2023; Krista Naugler & Jessica Miller, Upopolis

Youth Suicide Prevention & Life Promotion: Creating Hope Through Action; Sep 28, 2022; Elisa Brewer-Singh, Sheri Parr, C0-hosted with Umind & PsyMood

Connecting in Crisis for Leaders ​(& their teams): An approach to communicate, calm & collaborate, through & beyond COVID; Mar 30, 2021; Stephen de Groot

Grieving Over The Loss of Our "Old Ways" of Working: Pandemic Pivots in Children & Youth Mental Health Services webinar series; Mar 9, 2021; Lisa Robinson, Grief Therapist, Andrea Warnick Consulting

  • It's the first time I've listened to a webinar and I think I'm hooked-interesting way to get in a quick learning. I'm so glad to find out today that I can listen to it again and share it. I will definitely be doing both, including sharing it with my childrens' principal in hopes she will share with the teachers.

  • I very much value these learning opportunities - it's great to be able to access some learning in the middle of the day and when education dollars are so scarce.